About Chasing Joy

Hey there, folks. And welcome to Chasing Joy.

My name is Ethan Joyce. This is a passion project of mine that I’m excited about.

In short, this newsletter will be about joy and happiness. Mainly, how we find it through so activities and moments in our lives. My goal is to publish something at least every other week. I hope I can make that more frequent in the future. Baby steps for now, though.

First, a little about me. I’m a former sports reporter. I spent most of my time as a college football writer for the Winston-Salem Journal, a daily newspaper in North Carolina. I started my journalism career because I loved sports, and I wanted to be around them. What I learned is I really love people, and there was no better place to meet them. Sports is our society’s great intersection. I learned so much in that space, and I’m grateful for it. I want to do that more.

Shortly after my son was born in 2021, I shifted out of the business. I’ve missed reporting and writing desperately. So this newsletter is an effort to bring something important back into my life while also doing it on my own terms. I find joy and happiness in storytelling and talking with others. That’s my mission.

I hope the happiness found here will lead us all to connection. I’m looking forward to pursuing stories that excite me. Hopefully you find them interesting too.

As of right now, here is my plan: I got this model from Tommy Tomlinson, a writer who I look up to and a person I am lucky enough to call a friend. Each post will be shared freely. But I’ll also give you the option to be a paid subscriber. If, out of the kindness of your heart, you decide to support me, I will love you unconditionally. If this thing ever gets big enough to have swag, you’ll definitely get some.

To close, I just wanted to say thanks for finding me and this newsletter. I write this About entry in Feb. 2023. I hope if you’re reading this a year or more from now, it has become exactly what I wanted it to be: a connection point and a happy moment in your inbox.

Please feel free to connect with me

Writing should be a community process. I’d love to hear from you. You can submit a story idea or just say hello at chasingjoy@substack.com or byethanjoyce@gmail.com.

Take care and thanks for reading,


Subscribe to Chasing Joy

A newsletter trying to understand joy, how we find It and how it can connect us.


I used to be a college football reporter. Now I'm a dad who still needs writing in his life. I'm a freelance journalist based in N. C., and you can reach me at byethanjoyce@gmail.com. Personal website: https://byethanjoyce.mystrikingly.com/